Moving from to

How To Move From WordPress.Com To WordPress.Org


Welcome to this guide! I'm assuming you've already got your new domain name all set up and have installed If you haven't done that yet, no worries - just check out my free guide on setting up for detailed instructions on getting a free domain name and installing And hey, if you'd like, I can handle the installation for you at no cost. Just send in a free blog install request right here.

If you have a blog on and want to transfer it to your own self-hosted domain using, this guide will help you do so. has limitations that may not work for all bloggers, such as lack of control, security concerns, and inability to monetize your blog. If you are facing these problems, it may be time to switch from to

Export Your Blog

If you have a blog hosted on, you may not be able to add external plugins. However, there is a handy export tool available that lets you save all your posts and comments for an easy transfer to

   1. To use this tool, go to “Tools > Export” in your dashboard and click on “Export.”

   2. Select the content you want to save, likely choosing “All content” to include posts, pages, comments, and more.

   3. Click “Download Export File” to receive a single XML file with all your content on your computer.

Import Your Blog

You can now transfer your content to your new blog by uploading the XML file. To do this, follow the detailed instructions on setting up your new blog.

To start, go to "Tools > Import" on your self-hosted blog, and select the "WordPress" option.

Then, choose the XML file you downloaded earlier by clicking "Choose File" and upload it by clicking "Upload file and import."

WordPress will then begin transferring your content to your new site, which may take some time depending on your Internet speed and the size of the file.

Set up a Redirect

When you move to a self-hosted blog, it's important to redirect your visitors from the old site to the new one. You can easily do this by using the Site Redirect service from, which is priced at $13 per year.

   1. To set up the redirect, go to the "Store" menu on your old dashboard and look for "Site Redirect".

   2. Purchase the service by clicking "Buy Now" and then confirming your purchase. Enter the URL of your self-hosted blog and click "Redirect to this URL".

   3. Complete the purchase by entering your payment details. This will ensure that your visitors are automatically redirected to your new domain.

Once you have set up the redirect, you can easily control your site's redirects through the "Store > My Domains" section in the admin dashboard.

To ensure the redirect functions properly, make sure the permalinks on your new site match those on your blog.

Feel free to modify the redirect whenever you wish, but it's recommended to keep it for a year or two until your visitors become familiar with your new domain and it starts ranking higher in search results.

Import Your Blog

Now you have the ability to easily transfer your content from your XML file to your new blog by following these detailed instructions for setting up your new blog.

   1. Go to “Tools > Import” in your new self-hosted blog, and select the last option “WordPress”. 

   2. Choose the XML file that you previously downloaded by clicking on “Choose File”. After selecting the file, click on “Upload file and import” and patiently wait for WordPress to transfer your content to the new website. The duration of the transfer process will depend on your Internet speed and the size of the XML file.

Set up a Redirect

When you switch to a self-hosted blog, your visitors may still go to your old site at first, so it's important to redirect them to the new domain. You can easily do this by using the Site Redirect service from, which costs $13 a year.

   1. Set up the Site Redirect service, go to the "Store" menu in your old dashboard and search for "Site Redirect."

   2. Click on "Buy Now," then confirm by clicking "Buy Now" again. Enter the URL of your new self-hosted blog, and click on "Redirect to this URL."

   3. Once you've confirmed the purchase, enter your payment details to finalize the process.

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